We carefully select each of our products for sale and inspect them prior to their dispatch, however if you are not happy with your purchase (we understand how personal bags can be), just contact us via email and let us know the reason for the return or exchange of the item.
We will happily provide a refund. No debates, qualms or arguments (Ahh, good old fashioned service). Just include include your receipt as proof of purchase and your return address so that we can process the return promptly. Alternatively you may elect to exchange your product for another of the same value.
For cases where you have changed your mind, the cost of postage back to us will need to be covered by you. This is simply because we don't have a large mark up on our handbags ensuring you receive them at very affordable prices.
If you do choose to return the handbag, we ask that you package the item appropriately as we will not accept items that are not in resalable condition. No credit is given for lost packages. We therefore strongly recommend that you use a courier or registered post as we will not responsible for damaged or lost packages.